Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Some news!


Today marks the beginning of a whole lot of exciting things for me. And since uni is finished and I don't have anything else to occupy my mind and everyone else is sick of me talking about it all the time, I decided to start one of these so I won't forget about all the details later on :)

1. A move to Melbourne
2. University prospects
3. Job seeking endeavours

So the first thing on the agenda is the biggest news of all! Shane and I are moving to Melbourne!
Have I ever been there? No
Have I ever thought about doing this before? No
Do I have any real backup plan? Not really, no
Am I still doing it? Absolutely.

I will start at the beginning:
In... October? Shane went to see a band in Melbourne because they weren't touring to Queensland (figures) and when he got there he absolutely fell in love with the place and just jokingly said that he wanted to move there. When he got home, we started giving it some actual thought and after a while we just said, 'fuck it, let's move to Melbourne'. So I went to my university advisor and we were looking up possible courses I could transfer into and THIS AMAZING COURSE CAME UP which I will get to later.

After we had decided, we told our friend Ben, who went to see the band with Shane and he was like, 'yes, I'm coming.' So we are now a troupe of 3 (plus Izzy).

Probably the hardest thing is going to be finding a place to live, because we have Izzy and also we need to live closish to the city however we don't have much money. It should work out though and there's nothing I love more than the unknown so we'll just have to go with the flow.

Second thing on the agenda is probably the most exciting thing for me and that is the discovery of this course that I really really really want to get into. It's at Monash University and it's called 'Science Advanced and Global Challenges' which for anyone who knows me is just amazingly perfect in every way since my absolute dream is working in the United Nations in Environmental Policy. The day I found it I applied for it. I hadn't even told my parents I was thinking of moving so that's how excited I was. I'm suppose to find out this week whether I have been short listed for an interview so I'm super nervous every time I get an email (stupid spam).

Third thing on the agenda is trying to find a job before I move. I know it's really unlikely that I'll line something up before I even get there but here's to hoping! I called a couple of Cheesecake Shops (where I work now) and some sounded pretty interested in me so I spent all day today compiling cake photos to send out with my resume. Other than that I'm just going to have to hope I can get my fairy party business off the ground in Melbourne pretty quickly so that I'll have some sort of income before I have to start uni. AHH I move in a month, how crazy is that??

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now on this topic,
Thanks for reading!